Support Aphasia and make a change in the lives of countless!

Donate to the Aphasia Center of Ottawa

How your donation helps

For the thousands of families that are impacted by Aphasia, we are a critical resource for their daily living.

We Helps Individuals
Your donation is used to provide professional speech and language therapies to help individuals live with their communication disorder
Aphasia Center of Ottawa Helps Families


Your donation is used to help caregivers and families better understand the challenges of Aphasia with tools and techniques to facilitate communication
Aphasia Center of Ottawa Helps The Community


Your donation is used to educate professionals with the skills to reduce the barriers that individuals living with Aphasia face in their everyday interactions

Here is how we use your donation

Unlike other charities and non-for-profits, your entire donation goes to making a difference. 

Other Charities

Your donation goes further here!

*Processing fee is taken by the CanadaHelps platform

Make a difference donating to the ACO

Our Goal

We need new monthly donors!

Keeping this vital service alive and supporting hundreds of families right in your backyard costs money

We need your generous support to keep making an impact on more peoples’ lives

Without the Aphasia Centre of Ottawa, living with Aphasia is just plain ……isolating

Help us on our mission to reach everyone living with Aphasia!

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